বুধবার, ১৪ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

OCUnit Testing with Xcode

Unit Testing: Unit testing allows programmer to refactor code at a later time and make sure that every modules  works correctly. The procedure is to write test cases for all methods so that whenever a change causes a fault, it can be quickly identified and solved. OCUnit is a testing framework for Objective C in iOS and Mac OS. With OCUnit testing becomes integrated with development. We can test frameworks, bundles, or applications.These are some methods provided by OCUnit framework.

Unconditional Failure


Fails the test case.
STFail(failure_description, ...)

Equality Tests


Fails the test case when two objects are different.
STAssertEqualObjects(object_1, object_2, failure_description, ...)


Fails the test case when two values are different.
STAssertEquals(value_1, value_2, failure_description, ...)


Fails the test case when the difference between two values is greater than a given value.
STAssertEqualsWithAccuracy(value_1, value_2, accuracy, failure_description, ...)

Nil Tests


Fails the test case when a given expression is not nil.
STAssertNil(expression, failure_description, ...)


Fails the test case when a given expression is nil.
STAssertNotNil(expression, failure_description, ...)

Boolean Tests


Fails the test case when a given expression is false.
STAssertTrue(expression, failure_description, ...)


Fails the test case when a given expression is true.
STAssertFalse(expression, failure_description, ...)

Exception Tests


Fails the test case when an expression doesn’t raise an exception.
STAssertThrows(expression, failure_description, ...)


Fails the test case when an expression doesn’t raise an exception of a particular class.
STAssertThrowsSpecific(expression, exception_class, failure_description, ...)


Fails the test case when an expression doesn’t raise an exception of a particular class with a given name.
STAssertThrowsSpecificNamed(expression, exception_class, exception_name, failure_description, ...)


Fails the test case when an expression raises an exception.
STAssertNoThrow(expression, failure_description, ...)


Fails the test case when an expression raises an exception of a particular class.
STAssertNoThrowSpecific(expression, exception_class, failure_description, ...)


Fails the test case when an expression doesn’t raise an exception of a particular class with a given name.
STAssertNoThrowSpecificNamed(expression, exception_class, exception_name, failure_description, ...)


Fails the test case when an expression is false or raises an exception.
STAssertTrueNoThrow(expression, failure_description, ...)


Fails the test case when an expression is true or raises an exception.
STAssertFalseNoThrow(expression, failure_description, ...)

in our next post we will provide a tutorial of OCUnit Testing with Xcode.